Through coaching infused with meditation, I help bring awareness to your life so that you can take action.

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Hint! Simple is best.

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      Woman on phone smiling with peace sign fingers

      The combination of meditation and coaching creates a synergistic effect, fostering a deeper, more meaningful relationship with oneself and
      promoting personal development.





      Leah brings years of leading yoga and meditation to authentically connect with clients.

      Leah is a trained meditation teacher and she brings that knowledge into the coaching sessions. This combo provides a fruitful space for people who are ready to take the next step in their personal growth.

      Reach Me here

      Chloe Ravel

      My mediation practice became more consistent after taking Leah's 4 week course. Her guidance not only provided the education needed for me to enhance my teaching of meditation but also renewed my desire to commit to my daily meditation. 


      Leah created a safe space for us to be ourselves without judgement while learning the art of meditation. The course was insightful and I now feel equipped to teach in a group setting. The material we covered was interesting and I hope Leah will consider an in depth level 2 course so we may continue learning from her.


      Our weekend together was one of the best classes I’ve taken in years.
      Your energy is the perfect energy for teaching meditation and pretty much anything!
      I will be the first to sign up on your next class.
      Thank you so much for opening up your home and making the training so cozy.
      Lots of love and light to you always!!!

      Hear my recent podcast interview

      How do we know when we are meditating
      What are the benefits?
      How long does it take to feel results?
      What type of meditation is this?

      Watch a recent interview clip ➡️ to hear my answers to these common questions.