
wellness series
90 days. Once a week for 30 - 45 minutes. Offer a healthy space for employees to recharge and learn practical techniques for their wellbeing.

Course Syllabus

  • Month One: each session includes a meditation
    Define meditation - 
    Learn the basics - 
    Spot the difference between good and bad stress 
    How to spot burnout

  • Month two
    Breathing exercise to relax - how to start a new habit
    Breathing exercise to energize - how to focus
    Personal mantra -  what is willpower and how to harness it
    Breathing exercises to stabilize - who is in charge? Our emotions or our brain?

  • Month three
    Simple stretches you can do at your desk - Multitasking is a myth
    Breathing and meditation - Recognize distractions
    Meditation - Self-compassion 
    How to motivate ourselves

  • Schedule:
    Each month builds upon the next in a natural progression
    Zoom or in-person (location dependant)
    Lecture, practice, and real-world application
    30 to 45 min


Why meditation?

  • Proven and science-backed benefits
  • Stress management
  • You want to enrich the daily life of your team
  • Option to introduce the techniques at corporate events
  • You value the health of your employees
  • A perk in the corporate culture
  • An opportunity for employees to get to know each other
  • A relaxing space to combat burnout 
  • A skilled facilitator

More about your guide Leah

In my personal and professional life, I have practiced and taught the techniques that I share with you. By offering this service to your teams you are providing your employees with a life tool that will pay dividends for them for years to come.  Meditation may relax us in the moment. But what we do not see, is the biological benefit that lasts long after the session.

Today I have had the good fortune of leading said practices at five-star resorts, fortune 500 companies, and as a conference presenter.
