To sit or not to sit for Meditation?

Leah KinsellaMeditation, Soup d'jour

It’s a viable question. These days as meditation is more accessible with meditation apps and classes popping up everywhere, the image of a cross legged mystic may look appealing, but not so relaxing when sitting for long periods.

Especially when faced with the reality of tight hips or a leg that falls asleep 10 minutes into a meditation. Sitting cross-legged is not comfortable for everyone, nor is it necessary for meditation.

As positions go, I have noticed people choosing to lie down in a sort of corps post variation. My concern with lying down is that you are way more likely to fall asleep as the teacher lulls you into a deep relaxation and the only awareness you’ll have is when your neighbor wakes you up from snoring.

So! My solution to all of this:

 A Chair.

One of the learning points of meditation is to develop a relaxed state of awareness. Sitting up with your spine erect is like pointing your antennae high to pick up cosmic vibes.

Trust me, most senior meditators sit in a chair. Its totally cool.

However, if you are unwell and have to lie down. Please, be compassionate with yourself and meet yourself where you are. There is no dogma here. But if you can sit up, grab yourself the necessary props, blankets, cushions and or a chair and give it a try!

Here are my 3 tips to cultivate a more enjoyed meditation practice

  • Listen to a recording
  • Go to a class
  • Change your language from “I have to…or I should” to “I am…I want to”

As always I send this message with love and please feel free to contact me with any of your questions.

Let me know how it goes!