September October 2016

Leah KinsellaLive with Leah

Dear Friends Transitions. Every day glides from one transition to the next. We are transitioning into a new season of weather, family, careers, choices, unknown and predictable. Currently, I have chosen to transition my career path from full time teacher to Curriculum Curator at Innergy. Innergy is a Meditation only studio opening in South Beach, where we believe Meditation is for everyone. I am very excited to utilize my creativity, coaching and teaching in this role. What I am transitioning from is a stable … Read More


Leah KinsellaEvents, Live with Leah

Hello Friends, I’m off to Colorado to assist my teacher, Rod Stryker in one of the ParaYoga® modules.  I am honored to be in this position as a long time student of his, and I can only imagine what I will learn from this experience. So, I find myself wondering these days… do we always get what we ask for? Is there a divine manifestation that listens and collaborates with our mind and heart to provide for us? If the answer is yes. … Read More


Leah KinsellaLive with Leah

Hello Friends! I watched a speech by author Elizabeth Gilbert recently and her message went something like…If you haven’t found your passion in life yet, keep trying different things, stay curious, and eventually those explorations will lead you somewhere.  We do not have to have our passions figured out, but we can stay curious about the world around us and that may lead us to our…’passion’. Have you ever felt this? The need to continue searching? Or the opposite? I feel like I am constantly … Read More